
movemen implements products that assist you in professional publishing with the Adobe Creative Suite and Creative Cloud, including Adobe InDesign Server.

The main product line covers an Equation Editor for Adobe InDesign, InCopy and InDesign Server, that is relying on the InDesign text composition engine as opposed to inline images.

InMath (InDesign MathTools) 3.0

InMath V3 comes with new and improved functionality and V2 backward compatibility.

Key features added:

  • Keyboard Shortcuts for Math Styles
  • Math Toolboxes
  • New context menu to insert expressions
  • EPUB/HTML + Equation Images export
  • Support EPUB Book Export with MathML and Equation Images
  • New Word docx equation import with support for Microsoft Equation Builder
  • Leading for MathZones

Available for InDesign, InCopy and InDesign Server CC (2014 .. 2025).

MathTools 2.0

The second release of our famous equation editor for Adobe InDesign and InCopy, used by major schoolbook and STM publishers, is a huge step forward.

With MathML in mind, we invented MathZones, redesigned and improved all MathStyles and added those that were missing, like matrix and horizontal braces, to name a few.

MathML support is seamlessly integrated with InDesign XML and IDML, HTML and EPUB exports and the clipboard (copy/paste).

The Enterprise Edition adds scripting support to the entire InDesign product family, including InDesign Server.

MathTools V2 is no longer available

MathTools 1.0

Our branded product family of productivity tools and solutions for text book and scholarly journal publishing professionals using InDesign and InCopy.

mt.editor—Professional mathematic, scientific and financial equation editor for use directly in Adobe InDesign and InCopy

mt.importer properly imports and converts MathType Equation Format (MTEF) equations to native mt.editor equations.

MathTools V1 is no longer available

Adobe Solution Partner

movemen is an Adobe Solution Partner.